Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Homemade Potato Leek Soup

Homemade Potato Leek Soup
Ok so lets keep this as simple as possible because this is a no fuss recipe.
First cut up the leeks the white bulb part into thin slices and set aside.
  Then we cube our potatoes so that they will cook faster.
So far so good right? don't worry you got this!
Next we put a bit of vegetable oil in a pot and fry the leeks until they are translucent.
Then we add the potatoes to the same pot and cover the potatoes with beef broth.
Let's take a break and let that boil for awhile till the potatoes soften up.
Once you can put a fork in those potatoes and it goes through smoothly we can
mash it up with a masher yup thats right a masher. 
After we mash it we add some cream enough to give it a soupy consistency.
you can either at this point keep using the masher or in my case pull out the
electric mixer.   I put it right in the pot and mix it after that add your salt I prefer
himalyan pink salt but you can add whichever salt you enjoy and some pepper.
Voila dinner is served!
See how easy that was no fuss and wish I had smell o vision here but it
tasted d-lish ous! yum yum enjoy!

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